This heavy duty weightlifting platform is a must for many Crossfit gyms , athletes training facilities , weightlifting and powerlifting tournaments and other general fitness facilities. This platform is standard 8 feet wide and 6 feet long with hardwood in the middle and rubber on the side.We ship the product in a plywood crate un assembled so it can be easily put together by two people lifting the individual pieces.
Dimensions of the wood crate : 74″ * 51″ * 20″ and 870 lbs of weight.
Warranty : Frame: 10 years. Wood : 1 year. Rubber : 6 months. No labour
At Metagenics Fitness we can custom make different sizes of lifting platforms , we can make insert platforms for out half racks or full racks. The hardwood centre piece is a non slippery area and the platform itself has hard rubber on the side which is sound dampening and will reduce the bounce of the barbell and protect the bumper plates and your gym floor.